Stakeholder Questionnaire

If you are person or organization whose interests may be affected by execution of the SmartRural Project you are kindly invited to join our Stakeholder Network by completing Stakeholder Questionnaire and support our Memorandum of Cooperation.

Completing Stakeholder Questionnaire you will provide us with valuable feedback that will help us to determine your interest, influence and level of participation to SmartRural Project with purpose to satisfy your expectations and to offer you quality information and services.

Smart Rural Network
It is a transnational business-oriented network aiming to create cooperation for the enhancement of entrepreneurship in rural areas in the BalkanMED countries based on the principles of innovation, sustainable economic growth and increase of wellbeing. The Network seeks to achieve these objectives through the provision of free support within the operation of SmartRural Centers and the IT tool for networking.

Objectives of this questionnaire
• The objective of this questionnaire is to identify individuals and organisations with an interest in engaging in the SmartRural Network.
• This questionnaire seeks to find out what motivates stakeholders to engage in SmartRural Project, as well as the extent and the way they would like to get involved.
• The results of this questionnaire will facilitate initial science-stakeholder dialogues, as well as to manage expectations and identify needs from the onset of a partnership.

Any data and information given in this questionnaire will be treated strictly confidential. Participants interested in getting actively engaged in SmartRural Network are encouraged to fill in their contact details at the end of this questionnaire.


    1. Which of the following stakeholder groups do you associate with?
    Project Partners
    Governmental institutions
    Local authorities
    Business clusters
    Universities & research institutions
    Civil society organizations
    Other projects working with similar issues
    other, please specify:

    2. On which level do you generally operate?

    3. What would your motivation be to get engaged in the SmartRural Network?
    to stay informed about current activities in the SmartRural Project
    to enhance learning and innovation participating to pilot actions and workshops
    to present your business ideas and to enhance your business capacities
    to indicate potential partners
    to establish trust-building relationships for entrepreneurship and cooperation in rural areas
    to receive valuable information and support from SmartRural Support Centers
    to obtain up-to-date information for concrete policy-making in rural sector
    to make Project results available to a broader audience
    other, please specify:

    4. How would you best define your role for the Network process?
    Content Provider
    Information Recipient

    5. Which barriers do you think you might encounter, if you engaged in a Network?
    time constrains
    language barrier
    insufficient IT skills
    none of these
    other, please specify:

    6. Would you support the development of the Network by joining to the Memorandum of Cooperation?

    Participant Details
    First and last name*

    E-mail address*


    Country, City*

    Phone number

    Short description of your organization and/or business activity